Why Apple removed the iPhone’s Headphone Jack?

In 2016 Apple introduced iPhone 7 which generated controversy thanks to their decision to remove its headphone jack., This  comes with a shock to many, who felt the feature was essential.

iphone 7
iphone 7
You can ask yourself like Why did Apple do it?

Well the reason actually had more to do with iPhone X than the iPhone7 as you can see Android competitors had been releasing devices with larger screens that often reached the top left and right edges but they were having a trouble shrinking the chin, Since that’s where panels typically house their controller so at this point if Apple was going to compete with their own edge-to-edge display, they’d have to figure out the way to shrink the bottom bezel.

Eventually their engineers figured out a way and get the solution by utilizing an OLED panel’s flexible properties they could fold its controller behind the display freeing up the space at the bottom for a thin bezel The only downside was the headphone jack needed to be removed to make a room for the display’s controllers.


This technology would eventually be used in the iPhone x, but the product’s release was still a couple of years away in the meantime Apple would release the iPhone 7 , Since they knew the headphone jack would have to be removed the following year, they considered removing it early on the iPhone 7.

The benefit for users would be improved water resistance since the headphone jack was the easiest way for liquid to Enter into the Phone. But there was also a hidden benefit for Apple They’d be introducing wireless headphones called AirPods alongside iPhone 7 , if the phone had no headphone jack ,demand for wireless headphones would increase and in 2016 there was virtually no true wireless Earbuds on the market, Which created a huge opportunity for Apple Plus the iPhone X would already be a controversial release.

Since it would remover the home button , introduce the notch and raise the iPhone’s price from $650 to $1000, Shifting the headphone jack removal to the iPhone 7 would take some heat off the iPhone x.

After those considerations, Apple decided to remove the headphone jack on iPhone 7 and as expected, they received widespread criticism from customers and competitors Although companies like Samsung and Google would eventually follow the movement.

Google Product Chief Mario Queiroz
Google Product Chief Mario Queiroz

Google Product Chief Mario Queiroz said this ,The primary reason for removing the headphone jack is establishing a mechanical design path for the future. We want the display to go closer and closer to the edge

And that’s it for today as always I would like to know your thoughts in a comment box.

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