Why Steve Jobs named His Company Apple?

Almost everyone has heard of Apple or used their product, but have you ever wondered Why Steve Jobs named his company Apple in the first Place?

Well, that’s what I’ll explain right now, so naming a company after a fruit is quite unusual, especially in the computer industry. Which was dominated by brands like IBM and Hewlett Packard.

IBM and HP
IBM and HP

But Steve Jobs didn’t just think of the name ‘Apple’ randomly it represented certain values that he wanted to include in the company. And those values were developed during Steve jobs stay at an Apple orchard commune in 1970s.

It was called the All One Farm, and featured a community of people dedicated to meditation and spirituality

He spent several months there, pruning trees, picking apples, collecting firewood and even adding electrical wiring to a barn.

It just so happened that after leaving the farm commune, Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak began building computers together and they decided to create a company in need of name with Steve Jobs staying at the All One Farm fresh in his mind the word ‘Apple’ symbolized the spiritual, fun, and inclusive value he envisioned for their computer company.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

His friend Wozniak Liked the name, although he told Steve Jobs to consider the name “Matrix Electronics”, Since he thought it sounded cool, But Steve Jobs already had an affinity for Apples even before his experience at All One Farm, He’d adopted a restrictive fruitarian diet. Eating nothing but fruits for most of his young adult life.

Jobs took this practice to such an extreme that he often ate just one fruit for weeks at a time.

The most common type being Apples he believed that eating only fruit would prevent body odor and eliminate the need to bathe. Although he changed his tune after coworkers at Atari complained about his smell so often that management gave Jobs an ultimatum: Start bathing, or find another Job.

Atari Gaming
Atari Gaming

In fact, his time at Atari also contributed to him choosing the name Apple.

Since it meant his company would be listed before Atari in the phone book. Due to his extreme diet, experience at an Apple orchard, and desire to get ahead of Atari and Jobs decided to name his computer company “Apple”.

And that’s it for today as always I would like to know your thoughts in a comment box.


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